Species Name: Pycnanthemum incanum
Common Name: Hoary Mountain Mint
Zone: 5 to 8
Light: Full Sun to Light
Soil Moisture: Dry to
Medium, drought tolerant
Soil Types: Well Drained
Gravel, Sand, Loam and Clay,
Fertility: Poor to Average
pH: 5 to 6.8
Bloom Time: July to August
An aromatic perennial member of
the mint family growing 2 to 3 ft tall. It grows in
any well drained soils spreading vigorously by shallow rhizomatous roots and
naturalizing from seed. Hoary
mountain mints nectar rich flowers are especially attractive to butterflies and
pollinator insects. Flowering last about 6 weeks. Highly aromatic foliage is
resistant to deer browsing. You will find it growing in old fields, pastures,
woodland edges and clearings in dry open woods.
A valuable
addition to any pollinator garden, native meadow or naturalized planting. Drought tolerant and easy
to establish and maintain. Native throughout the east from
southern Ontario and New England south to Florida.